General conference
General conference

general conference

“The word ‘heed’ suggests taking notice of or paying attention to someone or something. ‘We will heed not what the wicked may say, but the Lord alone we will obey,'” he said. “One hymn that has blessed my life in remarkable ways is ‘Let Us All Press On.’ Recently I have been pondering and learning about a specific phrase in the refrain of that hymn. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles pointed out the hymn that has most influenced him, while acknowledging that he was not a good singer. She added, “Our purpose in His kingdom should be to bring each other to Christ.”Įlder David A. “Anywhere and everywhere we go, we are always part of Relief Society as we strive to fulfill its divine purpose, which is for women to accomplish God’s work in individual as well as collective ways by providing relief, ‘relief of poverty, relief of illness, relief of doubt, relief of ignorance - relief of all that hinders … joy and progress.'” Relief Society is the covenant women of the Church it is us - each of us, and all of us - it is our ‘global community of compassion and service,'” Aburto said. “Relief Society is not limited to a room in a building, a Sunday lesson, an activity, or a presidency at the local or general level.

general conference

Women have told Aburto they were concerned they were not active in Relief Society because they were serving in Primary or Young Women, she said they were still active in Relief Society. Aburto, second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, taught that the church is the members - that she was welcomed because of the members who were reaching out. In speaking of her conversion, Sister Reyna I. I also invite you to talk with your friends about serving a mission and if one of your friends is not sure about serving, encourage them to talk with their bishop.” He continued, “As an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, I now call upon you young men, and those young women who desire to serve a mission, to begin right now to talk with your parents about serving a mission. Russell Ballard, acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. It also prepared me for a lifetime of service to the Lord in His Church,” said M.

general conference

“My missionary service prepared me to be a better husband and father and to be successful in business.

General conference